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School regulations of the Ving Tsun-Schulen SIFU STAUNER`s

The following regulations in our school concerns the training time in general and the behaviour with one another in the school as well as outside of it.


The main goal of the teaching in our school is for us to better our ving tsun skills together. Therefore, in the school, our martial art is all that matters. It is really no sign of intelligence if anyone adapts his behavior towards another member of the group according to gender, origin, skin colour, level of education or other characteristics which our member normally didn’t choose by himself.


Train with the other students, not against them, because we are all pursuing the same goal. It won’t help if someone only pays his fees and simply waits for illumination. Each of us must pursue his goal by himself and evolve with his training partner. So, the better your training partner is, the faster your own progression will be. If you notice that you are better than your training partner, than help him with a few precise tips instead of making him unsure of his own skills by overwhelming him and making him unwilling to train any more. But on the other side, be careful not to address your partner as being the “I know it all” kind of person.

The art of fighting is about being able to, not about knowing. Train only a few moves intensively and with precision, instead of many moves only superficially. It will than be clear to you, that if you practice with your trainers or find yourself in a really dangerous situation, only a few well trained techniques will serve you.
Your Sifu and trainers help you with their knowledge, skills and experience. They don’t want to entertain you, but to allow you to develop new skills. You must work on your skills by yourself and not wait for your trainers to do it. Your Sifu and your trainers are teachers and no entertainment officers. Be careful to adapt your behaviour according to that as well.


If you ask your Sifu or a trainer some question, or if they explain something to you, you should show interest for their instructions, like you await him to answer your questions seriously and help you with your problems. Look at your trainer and stop training when you are talking with him.
You may sometimes have the impression that your trainer asks things of you that are not so useful or make the exercises become quite awkward. It will often be some time before you see what the hidden connection between these moves could be. If something is unclear to you, just ask about it, but avoid offering improvement advices.


From the outsider forms and traditions that we apply in our teaching, we retain the attention paid to the master at the beginning and at the end of the training.


Even with all the warnings, some students stick to their embarrassing behaviour. They want to teach their trainers ving tsun or escrima, they know everything and even better, even if they recognize, by their participation to the training, that the trainers have more knowledge. They react to help and corrections as if it was a disturbance, ask rhetoric questions (But I’m right when…, you surely mean that…) , they wave to the trainers like to lackeys, shout their questions through the training hall or misuse the body language through crossed arms, hands on the hips or other arrogant gestures. Sometimes will this student have a patronizing gesture toward the trainer or comment the measures he took. Such a student doesn’t stand to the exercise that he is supposed to do, gloats about what the trainer is doing with another student or talks more than he trains. To avoid such behaviour is the sign of personal integrity, style and good relation skills. You will notice, that with an adapted behaviour, you can achieve more outside of the school as well.


The martial arts teaches in the Ving Tsun school are to be used in extreme danger. As a preparation for such a situation, some hardness can sometimes be used in training. This toughness is a necessary part of the formation and gives you a first impression of how real opponents would attack. This hardness is not against you, but instead meant to prepare you. The trainers of our ving tsun school were only appointed trainers after intensive teaching and observation. So you can be sure that in our school, the teachers don’t use the training to express some character deficit.


Who spreads bad mood and rumours or picks on the weaker, harms everyone, because it takes the pleasure of training from everyone and therefore endangers the training goal. If you observe such a behaviour by someone, try to make him aware of it. We all have our bad days. In the interest of all students, permanent destructive behaviour cannot be ignored by your trainers.


Don’t come wearing scruffy old clothes, but instead, wear your normal training clothes. It helps to develop the feeling of a unit and therefore the overall fun while training. Behave yourself as a friend that was invited instead of as a tenant insisting on his rights.


It will be difficult to find a training partner fort the one who presents himself with a bad body odour. The same is true about wearing dirty training clothes. Fight your opponent with your skills, not with your smell. Don’t wear any jewellery during training (except wedding ring). Alcohol and drogues are absolutely prohibited.


Protective coverage should prevent wounds and unwanted breaks during training. Who doesn’t use them is not showing any kind of hardness or fighting spirit, but only a lack of knowledge in the most important biological adaptation processes. Your body needs time to adapt itself naturally to the strain of training. Protections make the process quicker and easier.


Protective accessories are to be held nearby, so that you don’t need to disappear during a long time in the changing room to look for them. Use them without anyone requesting you to do so as soon as you train with contact. Other stuff, which you don’t need while training, is to be taken away from the training hall. This includes escrima sticks in VT training, food, drinks or street clothes.


Come to the training on time and avoid getting yourself noticed or disturbing the training in any way if you are late. Who comes late without reason shows that he doesn’t value the training very much. A fight training can only be leaded by a graduated teacher. Trainers give the normal training. The explanations or demonstrations of ving tsun techniques are reserved for teachers, because they proved to have the right understanding of techniques and their correlations during courses and exams. Friends and new interested persons are always welcome, as long as they stick to our rules.


To maintain the teaching in order, it’s necessary to announce any new student. But we still may turn down the person who's character doesn’t suit us.
Don’t show any ving tsun or escrima techniques to strangers. There is always a danger, that people that we would never tolerate in our school will go out there and spread the idea that they threaten or intimidate weaker persons with ving tsun or escrima. One’s own weapons (VT or escrima) shouldn’t be left in the hands of strangers or unreliable hands.

Sifu Uli Stauner
Ving Tsun Kung Fu & Escrima Waffenkampf International
Wong Shun Leung / Gary Lam Ving Tsun

  • Zugriffe seit dem 22. November 2004

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